Now there is a simple marketing tool for your business.
Our online virtual prize wheel software is designed as a marketing tool to draw in visitors to your website's product or services.
This prize wheel is full customizable with a wide variety of different options listed below.
Simply sign up, create your wheels, get and copy the code to your website and your off to the races!
10 Wheels Per Account Define Wheel Name Define Start and End Date Define 3 Wheel Sizes Define Background Color Upload Custom Wheel Image Set # of Spokes (Max 35) Set Prize Text per Spoke Set Spoke Colors / 3D Spokes Define Prize Per Spoke Force Name/Email Entry Customize any background image Tailor Wheel Page to your Brand Define Casino Like Spoke Odds Define Max # of Prize Giveaways
Send Email After Spin Option Full Statistics Played/Spun Click/Swipe to Spin Wheel Stats on Percentage Prizes Won IP Check to Prevent Cheating Email Check to Prevent Cheating Download Email Address List Works Well on SmartPhone Monthly/Yearly Subscription Use in Email Blasts Copy/Paste Code to Website Copy and Paste Wheels
Once you are done with your marketing campaign, you have access to our statistics report which shows who spun the prize wheel and what did they win.
It also has a summarized total of what prize won the most.
This will allow you to adjust your campaign settings for the next time you do a marketing campaign.
Spin Our Special Occasion Wheel!
Here is another example wheel with different colors for a holiday theme.
Set up are symmetrical colors to have a look and feel for that special year round occasion!
A color palette will be available to convert the color to the correct color code.
Also define which spoke will have a greater chance to win by setting casino like odds!
Spin Our Animal Prize Wheel!
This prize wheel is made up entirely as an image.
In order to make this happen the first thing that needs to be done is to set up each spoke.
From there some photoshop skills can come in handy by taking a image capture of the wheel, add some graphics to it, upload it, assign the image name to it and you are ready to go!
This prize wheel is our extra large high definition wheel.
It can be used for touch screen kiosks for people to spin for a prize.
The advantages of this wheel is that you can put the web browser in full screen mode and it will be easier for people to see, spin and swipe.
Best used for large screen setup. You can also create your own HD extra large image as your wheel once the spokes are set up.
As you can see we added a custom background image that seamlessly goes around the prize wheel.
We offer this as a subscription based service, monthly, 3 months, 6 months or 12 months.
By doing it this way, it allows us to constantly improve our prize wheel while making setting up a wheel for your website or event a very easy thing to do.
For ease of use, we also maintain your email list and spin statistics which is available for downloading to Excel.
If you obtain only one new customer that results in $1500.00 profit at the end of the year from using the prize wheel, then it paid for itself 4 times over!
(Terms of Use - Please allow 24 - 48 hours to set up your account upon signup)
(Customer assumes all risks when it comes to prizes given out when using Prize Wheel Pro)
(All names/emails generated from this system are kept private/confidental exclusive to subscriber)
(Price includes email/phone support to ensure wheel is setup correctly)
(Once account is setup and confirmation email is sent, all sales are final)
I acknowledge that I've read this page and the terms-of-use thoroughly before proceeding to purchase.
(Terms of Use - Please allow 24 - 48 hours to set up your account upon signup)
(Customer assumes all risks when it comes to prizes given out when using Prize Wheel Pro)
(All names/emails generated from this system are kept private/confidental exclusive to subscriber)
(Price includes email/phone support to ensure wheel is setup correctly)
(Once account is setup and confirmation email is sent, all sales are final)
I acknowledge that I've read this page and the terms-of-use thoroughly before proceeding to purchase.
(Terms of Use - Please allow 24 - 48 hours to set up your account upon signup)
(Customer assumes all risks when it comes to prizes given out when using Prize Wheel Pro)
(All names/emails generated from this system are kept private/confidental exclusive to subscriber)
(Price includes email/phone support to ensure wheel is setup correctly)
(Once account is setup and confirmation email is sent, all sales are final)
I acknowledge that I've read this page and the terms-of-use thoroughly before proceeding to purchase.
(Terms of Use - Please allow 24 - 48 hours to set up your account upon signup)
(Customer assumes all risks when it comes to prizes given out when using Prize Wheel Pro)
(All names/emails generated from this system are kept private/confidental exclusive to subscriber)
(Price includes email/phone support to ensure wheel is setup correctly)
(Once account is setup and confirmation email is sent, all sales are final)
I acknowledge that I've read this page and the terms-of-use thoroughly before proceeding to purchase.
Feel free to take our sample virtual prize wheels above for a test SPIN!
For more information Contact Us for additional questions!